Friday, May 18, 2012

The Busy Life of a Baseball Mom

It's been almost two weeks since my last blog post.  I've had intentions of writing every evening, and somehow I just never found the time.  (My list of "writing topics" grows everyday - just wish I had more time to actually write!)  My husband has taken a new football coaching job in a town about 30 miles from our home, and it's "spring training" so I have no help in the evenings with the boys' baseball schedule.  Not that this is unfamiliar territory: I've been carrying two little boys to their practices and games since the oldest was 4 years old.  My husband's work schedule usually prevents him from helping much on week nights, especially now that he's commuting.  So between baseball and football, life is pretty busy for our family right now.  AND it's the end of the school year.  There are standardized state tests, field days, awards programs, not to mention Big B's tryouts for middle school sports.  I have to brag for a moment on Big B.  He set a goal two years ago (yes, in 4th grade) that he would make all three teams - football, basketball, and baseball - when he got to middle school.  Yesterday, he finished meeting that goal.  He will be one of only two 7th graders (about 400 kids) to play on all three teams next year!  I love that at such a young age he learned to set a goal and work hard to achieve it.  His dad is such a hard-working, goal-oriented person; I'm glad he sets such a strong example for our boys. (And it doesn't hurt that they inherited his athleticism!) 

Our love for sports  ("Sports Mania") is what makes us a Busy Family and gives me the offical title of Busy Mom!  While I normally seem to manage our lives very well, there are times (like right now), that I absolutely stink at being a busy mom.  The laundry is piled up once again ("The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly"),  the bathrooms need scrubbing, the floor needs mopping, and the yard needs mowing.  Add to the mix that I am trying to cook healthy meals to manage my husband's diabetes ("She brings him good, not harm...") and to get myself back in shape ("My Battle").  A daunting task!  We are also trying to be frugal in our grocery and gas expenses, which requires lots of advanced preparation.  All of my good ideas (such as "Meal Shortcuts for Baseball Moms") aren't helping as much as I would like them to.  However, I can breathe easier knowing that there is an end in sight...summer!

Oh summer, how I love thee!  While there have been times in my career as a public school teacher that I have complained about low wages, long hours, difficult parents, and belligerent students, I do love my job.  One thing that makes all of the headaches okay is that every year, for two whole months, I get to be a stay-at-home mom!!  I love, love, love being home with my kids.  And I have to say that I am the perfect little homemaker during the summers.  My house is clean, projects are completed, scrapbooks are up-to-date, kids are happy, all is well.  I can pack my baseball bag and head to the ball park with no worries.  Can anyone truly understand the glory of summer without baseball?  I certainly can't!


  1. I love your baseball mom posts! I was wondering if you would be interested in doing a quick interview or guest post on our site OMGmother ( about taking kids to pro baseball games?

    Laine (

    1. Laine,
      I just visited your site and can't wait to read more! I would love to be a guest contributor, but we've only been to minor league MLB yet! If you have any other topics that you think I may be able to share, let me know. I would love to write about kids' sports, home organization for kids, menu planning, summer educational ideas for young kids, and any other "busy mom" topics!

    2. Laine,
      I just visited your site and can't wait to read more! I would love to be a guest contributor, but we've only been to minor league MLB yet! If you have any other topics that you think I may be able to share, let me know. I would love to write about kids' sports, home organization for kids, menu planning, summer educational ideas for young kids, and any other "busy mom" topics!
